
Business Loan Physical person Legal entity
Loan amount Min 300 GEL – max 100 000 GEL Min 300 GEL – max 100 000 GEL
Loan currency GEL GEL / USD
Loan term (months) Min 4 - Max 120 Min 4 - Max 120
Loan interest rate from 18% from 18%
Annual effective interest rate from 21,82% from 21,82%
Business experience from 3 months from 3 months
Term of loan review 1 - 2 working days 1 - 2 working days
Interest accrual method Decreasing Decreasing

*Business loan up to 30 000 GEL is disbursed without collateral; up to 100 000 GEL with collateral

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5. Бизнес кредит


Business Loan

“Giro Credit” offers you the best conditions on a business loan.

If you have a medium-sized or small business, “Giro Credit” gives you the opportunity to develop and expand your business. In order to be eligible for the business loan you need to own a business (trade, service, production and so forth) and earn income from these operations.

The business loan up to 30 000 GEL is issued without collateral, and up to 100 000 GEL with collateral


Loan Applications